Cinderella is born - February 22nd.
Daddy's girl |
Stylish already at just a few days old! ;) |
Cinderella turns 1!
Yay! |
"WHY is my food ON FIRE?!" |
In a dress mommy wore when she was one! |
Cinderella is 2!
She asked for a "Baa" cake. (Sheep)
Cinderella is "tu tu" cute and 3!
My Little Pony Party!
And look who joined us about four months before! Sleeping Beauty.
Her life of crime began early. ;) Stealing Cinderella's new dress!
Cinderella is 4!
Littlest Pet Shop party - in a Barbie dress. :)
Little Sister wearing her sister's new fairy dress and trying to steal food!
Cinderella is 5!
Cinderella Princess party
Sisters |
Happy birthday!! We love you so much!